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Wellness in the the community...and in the home...

Creating a New World of Wellness



We so enjoy bringing wellness to the workplace to create a more inspired, relaxed, and healthier environment leading to less sick time and higher levels of production.  Work is where many of us spend a lot of our clock time and where we can be at risk to experience higher stress levels.  Bringing wellness into the workplace is both proactive and preventive as well as cost effective as seen in research from organizations that provide employee wellness programs

View our many offerings below.



When determined the right fit, we  deliver wellness classes or individual wellness services in the home to individuals, families, or small groups.  Sometimes it can feel overwhelming or less convenient to go to an on-site class.  Thus, these services are beneficial  to those that prefer to learn to develop a yoga or mindfulness practice in the comfort of their own home.  We also provide this opportunity to add a wellness class to  special events such as:  birthdays, pre or post wedding celebrations, anniversaries, reunions, girls nights  or other celebrations.  

View our many offerings below.



New World Wellness also provides Wellness Programming and Classes for Group Retreats that desire to add yoga, meditation or other wellness classes of interest to their Retreat experience.  We can even design a Retreat for you! and your group's specific needs.   Making time to retreat for self-care is an essential part of maintaining a balanced and healthy lifestyle in our fast-paced world.  For when our cup is full we can really "show up" for our families, our friends, our work/career and our community!

View our many offerings below.



  • Hatha Yoga Classes

  • Gentle Yoga

  • Chair Yoga

  • Mindfulness Yoga 

  • Vinyasa Yoga

  • Shakti Bliss Yoga Nidra 

  • Restorative Yoga

  • Meditation or Deep Relaxation

  • Breath-work Sessions

  • Sound Healing w/Crystal Bowls

  • Self-care Classes

  • Chakra Balancing Classes



  • Tailored Yoga Classes

  • Tailored Meditation Classes

  • Shakti Bliss Yoga Nidra 

  • Restorative Yoga w/Reiki Healing

  • Private Breath-work Sessions 

  • Begin Within Hypnosis Sessions

  • Clinical

  • Past Life Regression

  • Higher Perspective Counseling/Coaching

  • Adult

  • Teen

  • Couples

  • Family





Wellness Investment is determined by:

  • Service chosen

  • Number of participants

  • Service duration

  • Material costs

  • Travel distance

  • Preparation Time


I treasure my association with Nicole, Craig and New World Wellness.  They hosted a showcase of the health services that they offer for our employee Health Fair.  The focus of the Fair was to expose our 300 employees to these various well-being initiatives.  This involved many instructors, a tight schedule of mini-classes, and an audience that was skeptical and largely unfamiliar with the modalities – they accomplished it flawlessly!  They also customized a mindfulness presentation for our employees – they effectively condensed this broad topic, and really connected with the uninitiated in the group.



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